Thursday, July 5, 2012

Seeing All Scripture as Christ Centered

June 15
The Bridge 
Night 1- Notes and Sermon by Tim Griffin

Luke 24

Ø A Late Afternoon Stroll

o The Gospel (account of the life & redeeming work of Jesus Christ) of Luke, chapter 24.

o The Context (v.1-12)

§ Jesus, the One the disciples (12 & others) had hoped to be Christ/Messiah, was dead.

· Lauded at the triumphal entry, Arrested by Rome manipulated by religious leaders of the day, Tried unjustly & Crucified on a Criminal’s Cross, Buried in a Borrowed Tomb.

· Hopes Dashed, Disciples Disillusioned & Bewildered. Seen such amazing displays (miracles, teachings, love & compassion). All gone wrong, all seems lost, time stands still in doubt/questions/uncertainty.

§ First Day of the Week (Sunday) – v.1ff

· Women prepared spices (Lost hope but still Loved)

· Found stone rolled away, Tomb empty

· Two men in dazzling apparel – Living among the dead? Remember what He told you – delivered, crucified, rise on 3rdday?

· And they remembered! (v.8)

§ Returning from the Grave - v.9ff

· Told disciples & the rest

· Not believed (idle tale)

· Peter rose & ran, stooped in & looked, went home marveling at what had happened

o The Journey Home (v.13-27)

§ On that day, two headed home to Emmaus

· 7 miles (at 17 minutes/mile – us runners know these things – 119 minutes – 2 hour walk. Plenty of time for what was to follow.)

§ Talking about all that had happened & Jesus draws near & joins, unrecognized (v.15)

· J - What are you guys discussing?

· D (Cleopas) – Are you the only guy in Jerusalem who doesn’t know what’s been going on?

· J – What things?

· D – About Jesus

o Prophet mighty in deed & word

o Chief Priest & Rulers Condemned, Crucified

§ Wehad hoped Redeemer of Israel

§ Current eschatological view of Redeemer only focused on the glories of the Son of Man of Daniel 7, negating suffering that must precede in the Redeemer as seen in Isaiah 52, 53, Ps. 22, Gen.3:15.

§ “Monstrous”would be the suffering, God-smitten man of Is. 53 applied to the glorious Son of Man.

§ Jesus had told them in Galilee (v.7,8)

o 3rdDay since – Some women went & found tomb empty with angels saying alive. Some of guys went & found tomb empty, but didn’t see him (Believe it when I see it kind of guys – Luette).

§ Between the eyes Confrontation (v.25-27)

· Foolish, Slow of Heart – From current event ignoramous to stinging op-ed commentator

· To Believe, not all that Jesus had told them, but ALL THAT THE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN!

· God’s Word written has foretold God’s Word Incarnate – Read it in totality, not picked & parsed to present a make believe Christ (One who receives glory without sacrifice. Sin crushed without sin borne. Heaven without hell.)

· Jesus goes on to interpret how Moses & the Prophets spoke concerning Him.

o No personal testimony – Not that His wasn’t pretty amazing (What’s God been doing in your life lately, Jesus? Oh, raising me from the dead!)

o No vision of God or even revelation that the person interpreting for them was the very Christ of whom the Scriptures spoke!

o God’s Word – OT & NT – all of it, is sufficient to show us Who God is, How He orchestrates all of History to culminate in the Person & Work of Jesus Christ.

o The Meal Together (v.28-31)

§ Came to the village, Jesus makes like He’s moving on through.

§ Guys clearly buying into this guy. Beg to stay the night.

§ Sit down to eat, & Jesus is now the spiritual mentor, as He is given the privilege to take the bread, bless it, break it, & give it to them.

· This is not a reminder of Lord’s Supper, for these guys were not there.

· Whether it is a reminder of His manner & way at a meal, or a supernatural opening of their eyes to see, I don’t know, but I do know that there was…

§ Immediate recognition, Immediate vanishing

· Christ in glorified state – no longer with them as He had been before.

· Foreshadowing the ascension where His presence would be anticipated in His promised return as the Conqueror, the Valiant, the Ancient of Days, the Son of Man in all His splendor, glory & majesty.

o The Impact (v.32-35)

§ Our Hearts Burned while He talked, while He opened the Scriptures.

§ Rose& Returned to Jerusalem

· Guessing the leisurely stroll quickly turned into a 10K!

· Whether fast or not, it was immediate.

· Find the disciples, & they report to Emmaus’disciples, Jesus is risen, & has appeared to Simon (Peter).

· Cleopas & partner then tell their story about the road & about the revelation of His Person in the meal.

Ø A Summer Stroll Together

o The Question

§ Do you know who Jesus is?

· Not merely as your tradition/culture/nominal assent

· Not merely as your personal wish (save me & give me what I want – freedom from hell & stuff in the here & now)

· Rather, ALL of Him – Creator of the Universe, Suffering Savior, Ruling & Coming King

o The Invitation (as Louis & John come up)

§ Join us each Friday Night

· Next Week – Creation (Who is Christ in this Beginning Narrative? How does Creation by God inform how we live? What we need? How we move forward?

§ Search the Scriptures together

· Listen, Discuss, Question, Worship

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