Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Bridge - Who We Are and Where We are Heading

The Bridge - Tim Griffin                                                                                                                                                          June 15, 2012

o   Welcome to “The Bridge”

Who We are:

"We are not a perfect people, But we have been saved by the one who is!"

§  The Bridge is made up of believers & non-believers who come together for a weekly gathering that incorporates passionate worship & Christ-centered preaching in the context of an authentic community.

·         Believers & Non-Believers –

o   This is a time of investigation, wrestling, searching honestly, & considering the implications of what the Bible has to say about Who God is & What He’s about in this world.

o   Whether you claim Christ as Lord or haven’t come to that point yet, but are interested to know what real Christianity might look like in Rocky Mount in the 21st century, this is the place for you.

·         Weekly Gathering –

o   Friday Nights at 7pm.

o   People are busy & mobile (especially in the summer). If you miss a week, come the next.

o   Good conversation before the gathering time & afterwards will catch you up on where we are in the context of where we’ve been.

·         Passionate Worship –

o   Worship is actually a 24/7 endeavor. That which captures your heart at the core level of who you are at any moment is the object of your worship. So, we’re not saying that we will worship while we gather & move to other things.

o   We are saying that there is a unique dynamic when a group of people gather together to, in unison, speak praise & reverential awe to the God who made all that is & Rules as the sole Sovereign.

o   Our hope is that you will be led & will personally join in efforts that extol God as the One worthy of praise/worship.

·         Christ-centered Preaching –

o   Our goal is not to entertain (though doing what we do well is important & we do not intend to waste your time).

o   Our goal is not to give you 12 step plans & trite survival tips (though application of our faith to everyday life will happen!).

o   Our goal is to walk through the Scriptures, from beginning to end, & see Christ as the point. He is the main idea from the speaking of the universe into existence to the consummation of the age in the fully restored/renewed heaven & earth.

o   So come looking for the thread of rescue that stains each page of the Bible.

·         Authentic Community –

o   No plastic people allowed! We aren’t perfect. If someone presents himself to you as though he were, he’s a poser (cover blown – join all the imperfect people).

o   There is nothing more refreshing than to be around people that are real/transparent/genuine/what you see is what you get.

o   There’s nothing more freeing than being one of those people. That said, come with real questions/ real problems & hear real solutions to all that life is.

o   It won’t make life superficially easy (maybe harder by some standards). But it will give bedrock peace & ease of heart when life does suck.

§  So, you ready to go? Let’s do this – together with a heart to know God & live life together to His glory & our good.

o   How’s It Going to Look?

§  The gathering will start at 7pm here on the 3rd floor of the Ministry Center of FBCRM with singing together some of the great truths of life in Jesus as Lord & Savior.

·         Come earlier if you can. A critical part of our time together will be legit discussion that grapples & wrestles with what the Scripture says & what that then means in my/our life/lives.

·         Doors will definitely be open by 6:30. Come up & enjoy good coffee & conversation. Stay afterwards to enjoy each other & think through who God is & what He’s accomplishing in the world at large & in our lives particularly.

§  After singing, we will dive into the Bible –

·         God’s Word inscriptuated for us. Our plan this summer is to get an overview of God’s plan to make a people for Himself through the amazing cross work of God’s Word incarnate – Jesus Christ.

Where We are Heading:
·         We’ll track through Creation, the Fall, & God’s Intentional Plan to Redeem a People to Himself & Restore all that is to His Perfect Plan & Desire (more on all that later).

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