Friday, August 3, 2012

The Unfolding Plan

Sermon and Manuscript by Stephen Weeks

Today we are going to hear the most amazing promise expounded and see how God is accomplishing it.

I want you to be encouraged today that God is sovereignly working all things out according to His great plan. He promised to send a Messiah who will be a blessing to all and we know He has fulfilled His promise. Put your faith in Him. He is faithful.  

I also hope that you see how the Scriptures are primarily about God and His plan of redemption in Christ. And we will see today, Nothing can stop this.

1 and 2
All things created by God, for God, All things reflecting His goodness. Perfection

Genesis 3
Mankind rebels, Questions the goodness of God, desiring to be God and thus mankind falls
            -As a result sin spreads to all mankind
                        A few results specifically mentioned
1.)  Their will be enmity between God’s people “the seed of the Women” and the offspring of Satan
2.)  Difficulty in marriage and great pain and problems in having children.
3.)  And to the man,
a.      Death is promised
b.     Land is cursed, ground is hard to work.

Though there is great judgment we saw there is great mercy.
            God promises judgment on the serpent. He promises that the seed of the women will crush Satan’s head. God will provide the Messiah.

Take joy the promises God makes will be accomplished!!!

Genesis 4-11
-         Man looking for the coming seed.

-         Mankind tries to help God out, Eve thinks she can bring forth the seed on her doing. This does not work. We saw this when she gives birth to her first son Cain.

-         Noah, Though Lamech proclaims that Noah will bring relief, He as well falls into sin and is not the promised Messiah

-         Tower of Babel, People attempt to make a great name for themselves and do not trust and obey God. God thwarts their foolish plan by scattering their languages and actually using that to make sure they scatter and fill the earth.

Despite man’s rebellion and lack of trust in God, We see over and over God is faithful.

God continues to preserve the Godly line and continues to show He is in control and accomplishing His plan. Man is dependent on God, he cannot accomplish God’s plan but must trust and rely on Him.

The story then zooms forward in time following the line of the Women through Shem till we come to Abraham.

In Genesis 1-11 you are told about the creation of the whole world and the whole human race.

In Genesis 12-50 -No longer is the writer Moses trying to give you the History of the whole world but he is now giving you a close up shot of four generations following the line through whom the promised messiah will come.

Four main people who are of the seed of the woman are followed. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph.

In Genesis 12 we have what Mark Dever calls, The most crucial event that happens between the fall of Adam and the coming of Christ.

The Abrahamic Covenant is given. God’s plan of redemption is expounded even greater than before.

Today we are going to walk through the Highlights Genesis 12-50 observing the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph and seeing how they are all tied together pointing us towards Christ.

Read Genesis 12:1-3
God’s  command to Abram, leave your land and everything and go to the land I will show you

And as he steps out in faith, God declares that he is going to make him the Father of His people through whom the Messiah will come.  

He makes a covenant with Abram,

There are three main parts of this Covenant. V 2

1.)  Make them a great nation (God’s own people). You see this promise reiterated all throughout the OT, “I will be your God and you will be my people.”
2.)  Give them a great land.
3.)  Bless all the nations through His seed. – This is reference to the Messiah, the One who is going to stomp the head of Satan.- Also notice God’s heart is for all nations, not just Israel in OT.

This Promise is Huge!

 Where sure Judgment is promised in Genesis 3 now God promises sure blessing to His people through His covenant.

James Hamilton- “God’s glory in Salvation through Judgment”

Where in the curse God promises that there will be marital conflict and great hardship in childbearing God promises
1.)  I will make you a great nation (Barren Sarah shall have a seed.)

Where in the Curse God promises that there will be conflict with working the land God promises
2.)  To your offspring I will give this land, and it is a good land, A land like a new Eden, A land flowing with milk and honey

Where in the curse God promised there was going to be great conflict between the people of God and the people of the Serpent. (Satan).
3.)  All the Families of the earth will be blessed by you, ultimately this is through Jesus, the One who crushes the head of the Serpent that all the earth can be blessed in Christ.

What we see is that though God has promised sure judgment because of Sin, he has also promised blessing to those who are His. The ultimate blessing is through the coming Messiah who is going to be coming through Abraham’s line.

What an amazing Promise.
And the people of God are looking for Him, Hoping for Him, Longing for Him.

Just this past week Monica received a text message from target (??) saying we had won 500 dollars through the drawing we had entered. At first, I was pumped when I saw her text. Then Monica informed me, No you idiot, I didn’t sign up for any drawing or chance to win 500 dollars this is a scam. Later that night I got the same text. This promise that I had received from whoever this was, was completely unreliable. It would never happen. It was a scam.

You see though, This promise Abraham receives will come about.
It is more sure than sex on the honeymoon.
 More sure than losing money when a women goes to look at clothes at Target.
 More sure than traffic on the Holidays.
 More sure than ECU having a bad basketball team.

Abram hears God’s call and obeys, He demonstrates Faith in God.

Great Land – Genesis 12:7
As Abram goes God reveals the land will be the land of Canaan.

It looks unsure though if they will really own this land because it is already inhabited by the canaanites, and then shortly after getting their a famine comes and they go to Egypt.

Sure enough though they come back and settle there.

The main focus we will see in Genesis today is how God is forming this great nation and seeing fit that the promised Messiah comes through Abraham.

Really cool.
God’s promise is so sure, God even changes his name from Abram to Abraham.
 Gen 17:5 Abraham – meaning Father of a multitude. The man with no children is named the Father of a multitude.
This promise God makes will be accomplished. He will make sure of it.

Stop and think about the first part of this covenant.
“I will make you a great nation”
Abraham is 75 at the time. He is your grandparents age. Not only that though. His wife is Barren and has never been able to conceive and now she is like 65.

How is a great nation going to come from him???
This seems impossible.
Almost immediately we see the promise looks like it is in question

How is he going to be a great nation if he can’t even have a son.

Flip to Genesis 15
Apparently Abram is starting to doubt. He is getting even older and still no son.

All throughout Genesis when the people start doubting God’s command he reminds them of the Covenant.

Genesis 15:2-3
How about Eliezer of Damascus?.

Genesis 15: 4-5
Nope, Your very own son will be your heir,
In the Hebrew the phrase would read like “The one who comes out of your loins
Not gonna explain that one.

Your offspring are going to be as numerous as the Stars.

Abram is hitting a wall, then this is going to have to be an act of God.
He is completely incapable of bringing about these promises.

Just like Tim said last week, the fulfilment of God’s promises are dependant on Him. We cannot force His hand. He is sovereign over all.

How are yall doing? Is life crazy now? School coming up, bills due, having a hard time in relationships, struggling with Sin. Let me encourage you tonight. God is faithful. If you are a child of his run to Him, Rest in His promises. Saturate yourself in his Gospel promises. Does that mean things will be easy, No. but you can rest he is in control and working all things out according to his plan.

Gen 15:6 –Against all human reason Abraham Believes God, and it is counted to him as righteousness.

In the same way mankind is incapable of saving Himself today. The way we are saved is by faith in Christ. Abraham was saved as he had faith in God that he would send the promised Messiah. He was saved in Christ too, Not by works or upholding the Law. The Law had not even been put in place by Moses yet.

Our only hope of Salvation, Faith in Jesus, The Messiah who has now been revealed.

Take Note,
something interesting happens. God is restating his covenant with Abram in chapter 15
and then look at Genesis 15:13,
Your going to be soujerners, servants and afflicted for 400 years. But I will bring you out, and you will come out with great possessions.

What is this a prophecy of????
The Exodus.

God’s people will go through affliction and hardships. This is part of His plan. But note he was with them and for his children there is deliverance if not now surely when we die.  

Genesis 16:3-4
Abraham has now waited 10 years, and still no son. His wife is Barren. And Abraham and his wife try to force God’s plan into coming about. Sarai tells Abraham to have sex with their servant Hagar and He does and she conceives. But God makes clear. This is not my plan.

Genesis 17:15-16.- around 15 years later
 Your son will come- Not through Hagar but Sarai

Abraham Laughs, Im 99, This sounds crazy, Sarah is 90,

Lord how about Ishmael. No, God says Verse 19- It will be through Sarah and you will name Him Isaac. In a years time you will have a Son.

Sure enough it happens just as God promised.

We will skip ch 19-20, I just want to point out you are seeing enmity b/w the people of God and the People of Satan. This was just as promised.

Genesis 21 – The son of Promise is born: Isaac –
Abram finally has a son through his wife Sarai. This is truly an act of God. Abraham is 100 at the time and His wife is 90.  Isaac is not the Messiah but he is the one through whom the covenant will continue. This is huge as we see God is miraculously doing what he promised.

Isaac is finally here!!!! Rejoicing.

Genesis 22 We see God test Abraham - V 2- We are then told after Isaac Had grown up a little God commands Him to sacrifice His son.

Stop and think about what faith this takes.

This is my only son, Im 100, You said your covenant would come through Isaac, and now you want me to sacrifice him. Ok Im banking on your faithfulness. I trust you. I have faith in you.

God give us this kind of faith in You!
Hebrews 11:17-19. He believes God will even raise Him from the dead if he has too

Abraham obeys and God at the last moment stops him and provides a ram as a substitute.

What a beautiful Glimpse of the Gospel here
We now see the picture of a substitute dying in the place of another. As God provides a sacrifice that Isaac might be saved so He will provides a sacrifice for us, His only son that we might be saved. 

 Again listen to how this points us to Jesus
Sinclair Ferguson
Jesus is the true and better Isaac who was not just offered up by his father on the mount but was truly sacrificed for us. And when God said to Abraham, “Now I know you love me because you did not withhold your son, your only son whom you love from me,” now we can look at God taking his son up the mountain and sacrificing him and say, “Now we know that you love us because you did not withhold your son, your only son, whom you love from us.”

Application- Do you trust in God even when you don’t understand???

You are going through a difficulty in a relationship, Having a hard time in school, maybe struggling to know God’s will for you. Brothers and sisters, Do not lose hope. Trust in God. Seek Him to know His will and rest in Him.

As the Scriptures continue we see that Abraham dies and the Scriptures focus on His son Isaac. Isaac marries Rebekah. She is clearly the one whom god would have for Him.

Remember that Isaac is not the promised one. The promise is contingent on Isaac continuing to have children. They are looking for the Messiah who will come through his line.

Problem.- Rebekah was Barren too
Genesis 25:21.

Isn’t this interesting that one of the results of the fall is pain and hardship in childbearing and this is the second time we have seen the people of God not able to have children. But we see God triumphing over this curse and bringing about His promises.

God is revealing that truly He is the one who is accomplishing his plan.

Genesis 25:21 -Isaac prays for Her and sure enough God heals her and she conceives.
and they have two sons, Jacob and Esau who are twins.

Genesis 25:23

Jacob and Esau Born
Interesting, Esau is the first born, He is the one we would think would be the one who would be blessed, but God chooses Jacob to be the one who continues the line through which Christ will come.
 Genesis 25:23

Jacob does not seem like a likely choice, He is extremely deceitful. He tricks his father into blessing him not Esau. And persuades Esau to sell Him his birthright.

This is how God works, His choice is not based of our goodness, or none would be chosen.
            Look at these guys so far.
                        -Noah – drunkenness right after being saved from the flood.

This is the Case with all of the Patriarchs,
 Abraham did not earn God’s favor, He tried to force the hand of God by having children through Hagar, twice he tried to save his life by saying his wife was his sister.

Isaac is by no means perfect either, He like his father lies about who his wife Sarah is to try to save his life.

Jacob- Deceiver
Joseph- Arrogant, cocky.

These men are not perfect and they are not meant to be seen as Hero’s. They are ordinary men who are sinful. Yet they are chosen by God because of His sovereign plan.
God shows grace on them and each one has faith in Him and His promise.

What do we learn from This? “God does not choose people based on their goodness or works.” He chooses based on His sovereign good will and desire.

The New Testament sheds light on this
Romans 9:10-13
V 11- Before they were born, before they could do good or bad, in order that God’s purpose of election might continue, this was not based on works.
The reason he chosen Him was because it was his Sovereign plan and choice.
Throughout the Old Testament you will see the doctrine of election.

The Reason any of us have come to faith in Christ is because of His Sovereign Choice.

This is great News, You see we all are heading straight towards destruction. We have nothing to earn God’s favor. We are incapable of coming to Him. We are under wrath and in God’s mercy he comes to His children and rescues them. And yet he chooses to draw his children to Himself.

We don’t have time to expound on this theme of election but it is seen all throughout the OT.

We are going to pick up the pace now.

Jacob Chapter 27

So Jacob is the chosen one whom the line will continue through.
He deceives His father and He receives the blessing of the covenant.

Ironically the one who had deceived his Father is later deceived by His uncle Laban and marries the sister of the girl he intended to marry Rachel.
The deceiver is deceived.

Romantic Verse- Genesis 29:20

Again, So Jacob himself is not the promised Messiah, We see His sinfulness very clearly. It will be through his line that these promises will come about.

Guess what the Problem with His wife Rachel is???
Genesis 29:31 -She is barren as well.

Genesis 30 -This is like the soap opera of Genesis.
We won’t read it but these two sisters Rachel and leah, Both have female servants as well. And they have this rivalry to see who can bear Jacob the most sons. 

Finally we see that poor Rachel who is Barren gives birth to a son, Joseph.

At this point we are beginning to see Abraham’s decendents multiply and start to become a great nation.

Jacob has 12 sons in all which make up the twelve tribes of Israel. Jacob is actually renamed Israel and this is where the Israelite nation comes from. Jacobs 12 sons.

Interestingly now 
Genesis 37-50 follows Joseph. Is their a reason that this much time is devoted to tracing Joseph’s life other than a cool story!!!

Yes, We are seeing how God chose to preserve His people despite a terrible famine. In God’s sovereignty he was working all these things out exactly as he desired.

Joseph, was sold by brothers into slavery to a man named Potipher who was in Egypt. Then he prospered as the servant of Potipher till His wife lied about Him trying to sleep with her and he was sent to prison. From prison we learn that God gives Joseph the interpretation of dreams. And through the interpretation of dreams Joseph interprets pharoah’s dream that a Huge famine is coming. Pharoah believes Joseph, and stores up tons of food.

 Sure enough the famine comes it slams canaan, The land where his family is still living. They are all going to die, there is no food.
The nation through whom the messiah is going to come is about to all die. But wait, they have an idea. Lets go to Egypt for some reason they have food. And their in Egypt Joseph provides food for the whole family.

His brothers are fearful of Joseph, They had sold him into slavery and now Jacob is dead, but listen to Joseph’s response,
Genesis 50:15-21
V- 20- “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many a numerous people should be kept alive, as they are today.”

Not just were thousands of people spared. God’s chosen people were saved.

So Joseph is the Hero?? No not at all. We see God is the one who has orchestrated all of this, Even Joseph saw this.

Yes, but Joseph has saved his people. But only temporarily, you see Joseph dies, And Exodus 1 tells us that he is forgotten by the next pharaoh and the people go into a 400 year slavery and affliction just as God had promised in Gen 15. The people need a true Savior. They need the Messiah. And be sure God is working and he is surely going to come.
Sinclair Ferguson
Jesus is the true and better Joseph who, at the right hand of the king, forgives those who betrayed and sold him and uses his new power to save them.

You see God is unfolding his plan just as he had promised. Through the seed of the women the messiah is coming, Through the Abrahamic covenant we gain new understandings of God’s plan. He is forming a people of his own, giving them a great land and through this people he is sending a promised Messiah, who will be a blessing to all the nations.

Genesis 4- 11 Man without God

Sermom and manuscript by Tim Griffin

Ø  Introductory Thoughts

o   “The Incredibles” – All of the superheroes are gone. “When everybody is super, no one is!”

o   Plan for the Night

§  We need a Superhero (Bib. Term. – Messiah, Christ, Seed, Redeemer)

§  Man finds fault with God’s Creative Order/Plan. Develops plan to be his own superhero (Gen. 3)

§  God promises to provide the Superhero (Gen.3:15).

§  Man seeks to make the way for the Superhero for himself (Gen.4-11)

§  God promotes the providential provision of the Superhero that He promised (Gen.4-11)

Ø  Three Acts / One Story

o   Familiar with story of Cain & Abel? Noah & the Flood? Tower of Babel?

§  What if I suggested to you that these were not three stories collected to give an historical account of independent interactions between God & man after sin enters the world?

§  What if I suggested these stories are not primarily about proper worship (Cain & Abel), living ‘righteously’ in a morally bankrupt world (Noah), or God’s judgment on those who seek to make their own name great instead of His (Tower of Babel)?

§  What if I told you that these three stories are actually a part of a single plot in a larger story? That they together have a common thread?

§  That’s my intent tonight. God has promised a Rescuer. Man seeks to rescue himself. God will have none of that, but continues to preserve/ work out His promise all the same.

§  Ultimate intent

·         See the greatness of the God who is Sovereign by Creation & by His providential supervision over the affairs of men.

·         See the futility of living 1) with shortsighted, me/here/now goals & 2) seeking to provide my own salvation through my worthy gifts, my revenge, my drunken pleasure, or my pursuit of personal fame & glory.

Ø  One Story in Three Acts (Not Three Stories with Independent Meaning & Application)

o   An Opening Qualifier

§  There are plenty of subplots in the story

·         Example – Eve’s perspective on the bearing of sons.

·         “I have created a man equally with the Lord.” (v.1) – Less positive than seeing Cain as a gift from God. Tends to view the creative process as replacing God, equal with God, not needing God.

o   This sets up the recurring theme of human effort (which constantly fails) to obtain the blessing which God alone can give (e.g.- Tower of Babel, Sarah’s baby through Hagar)

·         “God has granted me another seed in the place of Abel” (v.25)

o   Eve’s focus is a recognition of God’s gracious provision in contrast with her own self-effort in providing for her salvation.

o   God’s provision is not through a replacement of the older son (Cain) as would be expected, but rather through the replacement of the younger son, Abel. This pattern is seen over & over – The seed comes not through heir apparent, but through the one whom God chooses.

o   The Main Plot – God Preserves a ‘Seed’

§  Let’s trace the common thread through all three stories that pull all of humanity (see the genealogies, especially ch.10) with the line that will provide the promised ‘seed’ of Gen. 3:15 that will come & crush the serpent’s head.

§  Three Stories

·         Cain & Abel

o   Two brothers give an ‘offering’ – Cain of his produce, Abel of his flocks

o   God rejects Cain’s/ receives Abel’s

o   Cain’s response to the rejection – Anger towards God (4:5) & Anger towards Abel (4:8ff)

o   Cain’s Repentance? (4:13 –“my punishment (or guilt, sin) is greater than I can bear”)

o   Cain’s Banishment (repeat of the garden – leave your fields & wander)

o   Cain’s City (establishment of civic / legislatively ordered society)

·         Noah & the Flood

o   Noah & his three sons (6:9)

o   Earth was corrupt, God sorrows over sinful violence of men, Determines to destroy the earth with a flood

o   Noah – righteous man, blameless, walked with God (6:9)

o   Build ark, Family & every living thing in it, God shuts the door & proceeds to destroy everything on dry land while preserving Noah & his family.

o   God promises to never destroy the earth again & tells Noah & sons to follow the command to multiply & fill the earth).

·         The Tower of Babel

o   People multiply, migrate from the east, & find a pleasant plain in which to settle (11:1-2)

o   People determine to build themselves a city & build themselves a name (11:4)

o   Lord sees action of self-sufficiency &, in order to maintain the mandate to fill the earth & disconnect human unity as a false god, confuses their languages, forcing dispersement over the whole earth (11:6-9)

·         So what gives? What connects one story to the next? What do universal building projects have to do with domestic homicide? Consider…

§  One Plot

·         The key lies in the promise of a seed (Gen. 3:15) & the genealogies that are interspersed with these stories that emphasize the point of the seed. How’s that? Let’s look & see.

·         Remember Gen. 4:1 & Eve’s acquisition of a son? That example of human effort to ‘on our own’ find salvation is just the start.

o   Through self effort, Eve depends on the son that she herself has now created to be her savior (Rescuer). Cain is not God’s choice for the provision of the seed, though.

o   Abel comes & is accepted by God. Perhaps this one will be the Rescuer, but his life is cut short in a bloody death at the hands of the son of self-effort.

o   God engages & deals with Cain, but that’s not the end of the story!

o   4:25-26 – Adam has another son, Seth (i.e.-appointed). Eve acknowledges God as the provider of this replacement ‘offspring,’ & expresses hope that he will serve in the place of Abel, who couldn’t break the curse of ‘painful toil.’

o   Here’s where the genealogies that sew the stories of Gen. 4-9 come into play.

§  God will provide the promise through Seth. His name is traced in the genealogy.

§  God will not, however, provide the promise through the person & life of Seth.

1.       In 5:5, we are not surprised to see that Adam died. After all, that was the curse upon him, was it not?

2.       In 5:6, though, we are stunned to see that Seth, this one appointed as another offspring (4:25), is dead. What?! It can’t be! Where does the promise lie.

3.       We must look beyond Seth. The genealogy goes on from one generation to another, with each one ending in death. Curse continues, not rescue. Where is the promise?

·         This brings us to the Noah narrative & the unique preservation of the seed even through the judgmental waters of the Flood.

o   His story does not begin in 6:9 with a description of his righteous, blameless walk with God.

o   It begins in the genealogy of ch.5. Starting in 5:28, we see that Lamech has a son named Noah, the only birth with any commentary about promise.

o   Verse 29 – “…THIS ONE shall bring us relief (i.e.- rest) from our work and from the painful toil of our hands.”

o   Corruption all around; things looking bleak; humanity needs a savior/ rescuer; this must be the guy.

o   That surely looks to be the case as Noah walks with God, obeys in the building of the ark, & saves himself & his family. But wait…

o   After the Flood (9:20)

§  Noah began to be a man of the soil (that cursed soil!).

§  He plants a vineyard (providing the fruit of the ground for himself)

§  He partakes of the fruit of the vine (sound a little like the garden, huh)

§  He’s found by his sons (those we think he might save) naked.

1.       Not the innocent nakedness of Gen. 2:25.

2.       This is the same nakedness as seen in Gen. 3:7 – a nakedness that conveys shame, guilt, exposure as trusting in a fraudulent substitute deity of self (pleasure, prestige, power).

§  In the end, Noah’s story culminates in his own death (9:29).

·         Lastly, we see man’s attempt at self-sufficient ‘city building’ & God’s ultimate choice of a man out of Ur of the Chaldees.

o   After Noah’s death, we see the multiplication & dispersement of all mankind in the sons of Japheth , Ham, & Shem. A great people, marked by great men (like Nimrod – 10:8-9).

o   This ascendance of the new mankind after the flood shows the common descent into self-trust/worship/sufficiency.

o   These people go through the story that we recounted at the first, but think through the context.

§  We’ve waited for a Rescuer (10 generations of mighty men of renown in ch.5).

§  All we’ve gotten from this dependence upon a promise is disappointment (Abel, Seth, Noah…).

§  Let’s make a name for ourselves. Let’s be our own salvation. We don’t need God. We can create our own city, our own building materials, our own great name, be our own gods!

o   So God disperses to preserve them for the Promised Rescuer.

§  This is not judgment, this is mercy.

§  This is not the end of the ascendance of mankind, this is hope for an ascendance that is far beyond anything that man could ask or think – A Rescued People that are Sons & Daughters of God, not mere men (gods).

o   Genealogical Conclusion

§  Instead of the genealogies of the nations (ch.10), we get the genealogy of Shem, the promised line through whom the promised One will come (9:26).

§  This genealogical listing concludes with a man by the name of Abram.

1.       God will make a great ‘nation’ (people) of him.

2.       He will be blessed & a blessing.

3.       Through him all the families (Remember Gen.10?) will be blessed.

4.       Herein the promise is reiterated. Is Abram the Promised One? Will he rescue mankind?

o   Conclusions to the Discovery of Man without God in Need of a Rescuer

§  Man, since Adam, defaults to trust in/live for/worship the Creature (self) rather than the Creator (God).

·         Question – Who do you trust?

o   Not a passing nod that acknowledges that God is there like some passe old codger who was useful in His time, did some pretty amazing things, but is no longer really needed.

o   Do you trust Him as the One who:

§   gives you your next breath.

§  holds your life in His massive, life-giving hands.

§  has provided a Rescue for you in spite of your rebellion.

§  gives purpose to every moment & every pursuit.

·         Question – For whom do you live?

o   Not the giving of a trip down to the church once, twice, maybe three times a week to sit & endure listening to some guy talk a long time about stuff that I don’t really understand or care about.

o   Do you live each day, each hour, each moment, each breath as a gift from the living God who made you for the glory of His great name, not you own.

o   Is your work, your study, your recreation, your media, your conversation, your service done as one who lives for self, or as one who lives for the Creator who gave your own self the very existence you experience.

·         Question - Who do you worship?

o   Answer honestly, who do you live for? Whom do you trust?

o   That’s who you worship.

§  God will tenaciously keep His promise.

·         No self-reliance on man’s part can thwart God’s plan to provide a Rescuer to secure a people for Himself.

o   e.g.- Eve, The community at Babel

·         No sinful stumbling on man’s part can thwart God’s plan to provide a Rescuer to secure a people for Himself.

o   Cain, People of Noah’s Day, Noah himself

·         No plan of Satan can thwart God’s plan to provide a Rescuer to secure a people for Himself.

o   Serpent in the Garden

·         No Flood, No Tower, No Murder, No Thing, Period can thwart God’s plan to provide a Rescuer to secure a people for Himself.

·         Implication: He is Trustworthy

o   The trust that your default button screams for you to give to yourself can, with full confidence, be given to the God who is Creator & Faithful Provider of the Rescuer!